Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday Confessions

Even with Sariah staying up an hour later last night, she still went to bed before her new-bed time (thanks day-light savings). Just another reasons to hate monday mornings tomorrow.

So, here we go!

1. I used Stake Conference today as a means of Socializing- not spiritual up liftment. 
I may be a bit socially deprived. I may be overly eager to make friends. More specifically, friends who are in similarily-ish situations as us that we can relate to in more than one way. Stake Conference seemed like the perfect time for me to scope out my options. But I think people were wondering why  I was starring at them so much and not my own daughter.
Well, I think I semi-made friends with someone? I will let you know as the progress continues. ;)

2. Tomorrow I am going grocery shopping. I am REALLY excited too. 
I havn't gone real grocery shopping in about 3 weeks. Our monthly budget ran out, so we had to live off of what we had (other than like milk, eggs and bread). It was lame. And I am SO excited to go into a store tomorrow, with a new monthly food budget, and be able to buy more than just milk, eggs, and bread. I am planning to revel in it and enjoy it. 
I might even roll around in it a bit just to make sure the smell is on there nice and good.

3. I am baking a LOT. 
But not just sweets. Breads. Lot's of breads. I don't really know why- actually, I do. It probably was a result of having to "ready-to-eat-food" around the house, so I had to bake things to eat. Hopefully it will die off. Right now we have breadsticks and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies in our kitchen. 

4. I went to the donut shop 3 days in a row last week....
Totally accidental. slash coincidental. The first day was Wednesday, and that was just a LONG day. Joe woke up at 4:15 and left. I couldn't fall back asleep, and Sariah woke up at 5:15. So, I decided to stay up and get ready- because we had to go to the DMV that day and it opened at 7:30 and I wanted to be first in line. So we left the house by 6:30, but I forgot about breakfast. So we stopped and got donuts while we waited.
Thursday I woke up to Scout howling/whining because she got left outside and she is too skinny. Plus it woke Sariah up, so I was angry- hence the donut was needed.
Then Friday, well, Friday it's tradition. And I guess after two previous days I should have forgone it, but honestly- the thought didn't even occur to me until I had left the donut shop. Silly me.
But I worked out each day, so it's even, right?

5. Sometime in my life, I want to live in upstate New York. 
It is now a "bucket list" goal. I want to be there for at least a month. Long enough to enjoy it- but I don't have to live in there really, I just want to enjoy the beauty. But not during the winter. Preferably spring/summer. =]

Happy Sunday to you all!

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  1. Cusp of spring and summer is a wonderful time for Upstate New York... or late summer/early fall.

  2. Bahhhh I should have sent you to the grocery store with my list! haha, i HATE grocery shopping. It's bad. Like, I will wait until we have no food in the house before I go.

    And please tell me - where in the world do you find good donuts in Lincoln?? I'm pretty picky I guess, so I haven't been able to find a place I like.

    Anyway, thanks for linking up last week!

    1. Dude, I will so go grocery shopping for you next time. I like it. I am not to the point of love yet- but, I enjoy it.
      And, we go to Lemars donuts, because it's near both campus's. It is a bit more 'desserty' than donuty, but it's pretty good. There is also another donut shop, like Randy's Donuts or something, but we have never been to it since it always seems to be out of the way, somewhere near....uhhh....a lake of some sort. But ya.
