Thursday, September 13, 2012

Midgets or Giants?

Believe it or not, this post is really about midgets v giants.

Have you ever realized the ridiculous amount of choices we make daily? And not like, "mmm...what should I have for dinner", but like- you walk into the store for sour cream, and are bombarded by about 20 different options. 8 oz, 12 oz, light, non-fat, Great Value, Daisy, Land-o-Lakes, and the list goes on, and on, and on (Kinda like the energizer bunny).

It's tiresome. Especially when you have a to-do list a million miles long, and you have to choose what you are able to get done. 
Or when you have to choose to get up, get out, and get things done in general (A very common problem for me at least).
Or when you go to the vet- and you have to choose if you should believe the old lady vet who is about a week away from rolling off her rocker, or the recently graduated vet who may be a month or two older then yourself.
Why do we NEED all these choices? I often wish we could go back to old west times, where people would walk into the store and tell the cashier person, "I need 10 lbs of brown sugar." What kind of brown sugar? BROWN! No need to dictate brands, raw, light, dark, anything. Just brown sugar.

It's choices that will kill us. That make us compete. Having options is great, but it takes up so much time. 
I am really rather sick of trying to compare toilet paper brands and prices. Once choice would save me time. 
Plus, if I didn't have to make the choice on if I should buy the red blouse or green one, I think we would all be able to look at life a lot more clearly.

Maybe democracy should fall?
Then we couldn't complain about choosing a president.
Dude, I am a genius! Monarchy all the way! 
(No- Not really. I am Pro-America. =] Just ranting).

Really, what sprouts these thoughts? The pictures below. 

Window blinds up? 
I hate deciding. I hate them either way- I feel like down, a tall person will be outside creeping in, and up, some short person is *magically* tall enough to somehow see inside.

Ultimately, I decide by whichever choice scares me the least at the time- midgets or giants.

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  • Midgets or Giants? Believe it or not, this post is really about midgets v giants. Have you ever realized the ridiculous amount of choices we make daily? And not like, "mmm...what should I have for dinner", but like- you walk into the store … Read More