Friday, September 28, 2012

Feeling like a Mom

When your a mom, you feel guilty over ridiculous things.

Like when you go to the Zoo, and you let your daughter play in the sandbox- where she is having fun, and has finally gotten over eating the sand. Then, when you decide to actually to see the rest of the zoo- because you know, you are in a zoo- she screams and cries as you take her away. You feel so bad and guilty, you give her your phone to make her feel better. But she decides to throw it at the ground. And when you pick it up and are not surprised by the fact that the screen is now cracked, you are not angry- but guilty for not letting her play in the sandbox.

When your a mom, your sense of embarrassment changes completely. 

And you are suddenly OKAY with dancing in line at the grocery store just to hear your daughter laugh at your crazy antics. Because what does it matter what other people think of you- as long as your daughter thinks your her hero

When your a mom, hearing your baby cry breaks your heart.

And you hate to have her cry herself to sleep. And when you must, you cry with her and pray she never remembers things like this.

When your a mom, your priorities change.

And somehow, the world seems a lot clearer. Your stance on politics becomes firm. Where you want to settle down becomes permanent. You don't lose yourself- you become more PROMINENT.

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  1. really mary? you now have a firm stance on politics?

  2. Awwww but the zoo is cooler than the sandbox! Well...most of the time.
