Friday, August 24, 2012

Counting blessings, and moving on.

Let me say that I love my husband and I appreciate him so very much.

Specifically, I appreciate that he appreciates my talents.
I want to write.
I debated for a long time what my degree should be, and he helped me to choose to stay with CREATIVE WRITING.

So I did.

Now, that I am done and graduated, being the lovely stay-at-home-mom that I have wanted to be, Joe is encouraging me to write. To do what I want.

Really, it is a perfect life.
Take care of my daughter, play with my pups, cook, read, write- to do what I LOVE.

But I am confused.
How do I get the readers I need on my blog to make it big- so that I can GET published?
Do I need to start dressing trendy and show you all what I hear every week?
Do I need to get a twitter?
Should I give thing away for free?

I want to be witty in my own way, but I can't figure out what to do on my own blog to be UNIQUE.

I suppose it would all depend on what it is I want to ACCOMPLISH.

Live. Out. Loud.
I don't want to moan because my life isn't PERFECT. I want to live the life I have to the fullest extent- I want to push outside the box, be loud, and live everything to the fullest.

I have always seen myself as having TWO talents:
1. Writing.
2. Being happy.

That is what my blog is AIMED at.

Making others happy by showing them how to step out of the box, and make life WORTH LIVING.


  1. I like your blog. What I've seen work for other bloggers is to follow other blogs, comment often, and make blogger friends. Then people might stumble onto your blog from someone else's, as well as other blogger friends might put your link up or something. It's all about connections. And on a personal opinion note, maybe it's only on my computer, more color would be nice. (It's black and grey on my pc) Maybe a bit of yellow or sunflowers for the layout, eh? :) But I like your writing no matter what. :)

    1. Thank you Rachel! I know you are right. I was just hoping I was awesome in my own . Oh darn. I guess I will have to socialize! :)

  2. You can blog about whatever you want! As you know, I blog about cats, and this chick: blogs about how un-fashionista/crafty she is. Everyone has their place in the blogging world! The more you blog, the more you'll find your path <3
