After graduating college, Joe and I moved back home with our parents (his) for a while, until we collected ourselves and set our sights somewhere else.
It's been kinda rough.
And honestly, its been hard to get motivated to do anything when you live in someones else's house.
So my dreams of writing, blogging, exercising, cooking, reading, training the most obedient dog ever, sewing, crafting, exploring, etc... have all taken the back burner to the tedious aspects of life such as: shower, food, hold the baby, more food, watch tv, facebook, food, read OTHERS blogs, walks, and more food.
Today, Joe started his job. (seasonal- but its for the state and will be about 6 months full time, so we arn't complaining. It's a good job!)
And I started exercising.
And I realized I havn't done ANYTHING that I want to with my blog.
So, I am sorta taking a break (not really) and gonna try to get things figured out.
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