Do you ever blog/facebook stalk people, and see THEIR happily-ever-afters happening, and sit wondering why YOUR'S isn't?
You see them fulfilling all these dreams you want to accomplish, living lives you gave up, or could never AFFORD to live, and just sit around, bemoaning what you don't have?
I feel a little like that now.
I know it's just because I am NOT doing anything.
But because I know my life is GRAND, let me brag.
(And I firmly believe EVERYONE should take the opportunity to brag, every now and then).
My husband is AMAZING.
He continues on the Keelin family tradition and buys me donuts EVERY Friday.
He bought me a PURE breed AKC registered GSP. And one day, that little girl is gonna HUNT.
He makes me laugh. EVERY. DAY.
He knows me better than I know myself.
He gives me massages.
Watching him play with his little girl, my heart melts.
He went BEYOND others expectations of him. He got a degree in AGRICULTURE. And I LOVE IT.
He grows a garden for me.
He takes me on adventures, and that is the best part. Our life is an adventure. We have decided what our priorities in life are going to be. And while we want so many things out of life, we have decided we want to turn our Yukon in the 'adventure wagon' and see things that most people miss out on.
I have a BEAUTIFUL daughter.
I swear, had I known how much I would LOVE being her mother, I would of had her sooner.
Every morning, hearing her coo as she wakes up and walking into her room as she stretches a big smile at me, I can't help but KNOW that is heaven.
I LOVE to let people hold her, but I would much rather take her with me then leave her alone for a long amount of time.
She is the spitting image of me, She looks like me. She does me pout, my cry, and my stink-eye. Love It.
My life right now is being developed. Life may seem to be on hold, living in California with our parents, not sure which road we will soon head down, but adventure awaits us for sure!
I will publish a book someday.
I will make a difference.
I will always be happy, and I will look forward to the sun.
I think in the end, that is all we can do.
Look to the sun.
Remember that it is what you DO that defines you.
Happily Ever Afters.
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