Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2 Years Baby!

Today was our Anniversary.
2 years!!!!
And they have been pretty darn good.

We were married in LA.
Honeymooned in Mexico (and Jalama beach)
Lived in Chowchilla...what an experience!
Moved to Rigby, then Rexburg.
Went to school at BYU-I.
Had a BABY.
Moved to California.
And soon Joe will graduate too!

Soo much has happened.

We have gone through family death, two dogs, 5 moves, birth, crazy birth debates, car accident, personal I juries, and so many good times.

Today, we kept it simple. We agreed that once Joe gets a job, we will go on an adventure.
So, we ate Nutella (most recent addiction), went to Solvang and ate Danish pastries, visited Jalama, and made/ate homemade gourmet burgers that Red Robin would pay for. (ya- my husband is THAT GOOD.) All ending with ice cream sandwiches, and Ben Hur. :)

Oh, and by the way... That puppy you see? The newest addition to our family.
Her name is Scout. She is an German shorthair pointer, AKC pure breed and all. Joe surprised me with her as a graduation gift. We have big dreams for her, and can't wait to see her grow up with Sariah!

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