Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Did you know #1: It is NOT ok to call the day "St. Pattys Day". Patty is short for Patricia, this calling Saint Patrick a girl. Paddy is short for Patrick.

Did you know #2: Due to the fact the Ireland is split within itself over years of feuding between religion and politics, carrots ( and anything orange) are NOT to be served with corn beef & cabbage. Orange is the color for one side, ad green represents the other.

Just thought you would like to know :)

Normally we celebrate with corn beef and cabbage.
This year we decided to go on a diet the day before St. Patricks day, so no Irish goodness this year.
But that didn't stop me from helping out my neighbor with these! I think I went over with the intention to actually help make them. Ultimately I just helped eat them
(I worked out that day- it made up :))

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