Today I did not leave the apartment till about 5 pm I believe. Not even to take the dog out. I woke up at 6:30, took care of Sariah, cleaned, did homework, and watched desperate housewives.
Add in a crafty project, and I would be the perfect housewife.
So, let me introduce myself, in my not-so-perfect world that I love.
I am the wife of Joseph Davis (below)
I made him split-pea soup this night. It called for a ham hawk. It smelled disgusting. But Joe wanted it, so I made it for him. He loved it. =] About 3 weeks later, when our dog Mahoney died from parvo, and the only thing I could think of to get rid of the smell from her being sick everywhere was split pea soup.
So now, split-pea soup does not remind me of the famous Anderson in Bulletin, but of our poor Mahoney who I knew for only 10 days that I miss.
I loved those 10 days, and I loved having my husband happy that I made him split-pea soup.
This is my daughter, Sariah
For some reason, I cannot remember her birthday. My best friend when I was little was born Aug 29th, and I was convinced that is when Sariah would be born. Then when we scheduled for me to be induced on the 30th, as I told my dad he said, 'Oh, the last day of the month' forgetting that August really had 31 days. So now, I always want to say that she was born on the 29th or the 31st, never the 30th.
Today, she would roll from her back to her front, but would get stuck as she laid on top of her arm, and would cry being upset. It made me smile. She likes to smile too. It rocks.
This is Penny
She is going senile. Like, for real. The other day she was sitting at my feet and I called her name and there was a serious 30 second delay before she turned her head.
Her and I are also competing against each other. Ever since Joe and I got married (She is almost 12 and is Joe's dog since forever), I have had to compete with her for "the" alpha female spot in the family. Really. She would growl and try to bight me when I tried to push her off the bed.
I have finally won the superior role, after like a year of being married.
That is my life.
It's kinda random, kinda funny, but I think it rocks.
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