-shots suck. Even more to a 4 mo old.
- a winter without snow- I have missed so much. But I can't help but feel bad for the farmers and my healthy food diet come summer.
- I want a puppy. The beginning of the semester sucks- with lots of new faces to get to know and their owners to meet. So far, our complex has 4 new pups.
- California is wonderful. Idaho is surprisingly not sooo bad. Sometimes.
- I am trying to love Penny more. I have even bunndled up all week in the most ridiculous winter clothes and in freezing snow, and wind that wants to blow me away, to take her on a walk. But she makes it hard when I come home from the doctor to find our trash can knocked over with trash lying around everywhere.
- I have to write a 4-5,single space page paper about collaborative tools for a one credit class. How in the world am I supposed to do that?
- I hate when our sinks back up right after I have just washed the dishes. Like last night.
-watching dogs dream is amusing. I bet Penny still dreams about chasing the moose. Or finally gettin revenge at that bull...
- I am typing this on my phone and do not want to check for typos.
- people should not laugh at the name "dump cake", which is the worlds easiest and yummiest cake. Unless your five.
-my husband never went to science camp, and I feel like we can never really, truly relate again.
Oh, and no pictures again. Apparently blogger hates iPhones
Some ramblings for your enjoyment
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