Penny for your Thought?+ Sariah walks around the house carrying a book she wants us to read for her. And when we sit down, she smiles and climbs into our lap. So when I go to the library for toddler time, she can't help but be up front and personal…Read More
ThursdayWhat are you supposed to talk about on Thursdays?
Not quite Fridays, they sorta get shafted...
Poor Thursdays. We should all give them some love.
But anyways. I have nothing on my mind to talk about.
Other than the fact that…Read More
Sunday Confessions
1. We sorta, temporarily chuckled at Sariah tonight while she was crying with a mouth full of peanut butter.She was unaware of the dangers it can cause, and didn't realize she should pace herself and chew carefully- never t…Read More
Movie Monday!!!Ahh Thanksgiving week.
I am so excited.
I am excited to eat turkey. And pies. Oh, I love pie.
But mostly, I am excited for Joe to not have to go to school.
Lately, I am experiencing this odd sense of relief of not going to s…Read More
An Ode to Rachel: How I Spent My DayApparently I have a fascinating blog.
And life with stories that makes everyone else envious of me and want to be like me. Right? That's how I heard it. Okay. Not exactly.
But anyways, this Is what I did today:
I read 100 bl…Read More
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