Saturday, April 26, 2014

April is down.

Grad school has been quite the experience. That is pretty much all I feel comfortable saying at this point. I know years down, we will look back and I will be able to express so much more about it- joys, regrets, laugh at the fears we had and be grateful for what we learned.

But right now we are near the end. So close, in fact, that every day ends up getting more stressful- not really easier.  And the worst thing is- the real "summer work" part hasn't even started yet. 

Trying to figure out what should be our next move (figurative & literal), student loans (WHO came up with those? Stupidest idea ever!), jobs, faith...everything. It's exhausting. And we really have just started to talk about it- no action yet- and it has us paranoid already. Maybe it's experience that has caused this- because hey, we DID do this 2 years ago!

Anyways- that was WAY more doom & gloom then I meant it to be. 
On the bright side? We actually really like were we are at (for now- I know I will hate the winter). 
I love being able to hike again.
I am excited to start focussing on writing again.
I am happy that Séamus will be getting his surgurey done and over with in less than a month. 
Sariah is healthy and happy.
We have a ton of possibilities ahead of us. So that's good, right?

1 comment:

  1. Healthy is one of the best things you can be. :) Glad April had some ups. Life's uncertainties are definitely stressful, though.
