Sunday, August 25, 2013

A baby was born

It's funny and crazy how different each pregnancy is from person to person, and child to child. 
Thats a huge reason why other people's opinions during pregnant suck...because things can be SOO different.

Anyways. I honestly didn't think this little guy was gonna come on his own. I was getting stressed as his due date came and passed, worried he would be born on Sariahs birthday (in 5 days), or once Joe started school (tomorrow) or during some other very inconvenient time. 

Joe and I had a "bet" going. (I only say that because we don't bet- but that pretty much what it was). If he came by Thursday (29th) Joe would get a Xbox. After, I get a Giant Schnauzer. Joe obviously won- which I am happy about. (We bought a vitamix blender yesterday so he has agreed to count that as his prize instead).

The last couple of nights I have been going to bed thinking I would wake up to contractions or my water breaking due to discomfort. But alas, I would wake up pregnant still. Saturday (yesterday the 24th) we drove to Omaha and spent the ENTIRE day walking/shopping/being active. While the day started with contractions- by the time we got home they had stopped. But I went to bed 'early' at 10 with a good feeling.

At 1 I woke up to pain. I wasn't sure if it was a contraction or not though. Since I was induced with Sariah, I never fully felt positive if what I felt were contractions or not. After laying in bed for 30 min and regular pain occurring every 10 min, I felt sure they were contractions. 
The lame part is- is that apparently Sariah was excited too and basically was wide awake from this point on till about 5 am. Not the easiest going into labor time- although she did enjoy pacing around the house with me!

At 2:30 ish my contractions were about 5 min apart. My DR said to wait about another hour but he would let the hospital know I would be coming in. I paced and held out for another hour. I wanted to go to the hospital right away, but was able to hold off. I remember telling myself that THIS is why people adopt- and that I wanted an epidural, but could go without one if I didn't make it for some reason.
 We got checked into the hospital right after 4 am. Still pacing through contractions, I kept a smile on my face thinking about that epidural. 
They asked my to lie down so they could check my vitals and check on the baby real quick-which was hard because pacing was the only thing I wanted to do.
 I told the nurse that at my last appt the Tuesday before I was at a 2-3 dilated. she checks me and when i ask her how dar i am she says she wants to get a second opinion on how far dilated I was and doesn't want to tell me without a second opinion.
That makes me nervous. All I can think is I have shrunk back to like a 1 somehow. A few minutes later I am told I am at a 9 1/2! Goodbye epidural! 

They call my DR to come in right away who gets there about 4:30. The next 30 minutes fly by. Everyone scrubs up, and I am on the watch for the need/pressure to push (which I have no clue what it feels like because with Sariah I had an epidural). Then all the sudden it hits me and I am like YEP! Gotta push! I sit down and look at the clock- 4:49. I tell myself my goal is to have him here by 5 am. 
4:57 he finally arrives. Best feeling ever. Not the birth- the feeling he was out and done.

I am told I did amazing. That I was happy and smiling. It helps when your DR and nurses are happy too and you have a supportive husband.

I am glad I had the opportunity to go "natural"- I think that this is the only way I ever could have done it. But honestly I never want to do it again. That moment of self-doubt right before he was born when you want to just give up, is not worth the "I did it" feeling afterwards. 

Having an epidural was a completely different experience. But overall I was do much happier with myself.
Just my personal experience.

Either way, I am SO glad for his birth. Glad it was so quick and- exciting. He is amazing, and I can't wait for him to keep growing. 

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1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!! I have a new nephew to love and hug and kiss! He's adorable and I can't wait until I get there in 8 days.
