Monday, April 1, 2013


I saw a sign that said "there is no place lie Nebraska" and all I thought was: THANK GOODNESS.

Last week driving around Nebraska, rather boring. I find it funny that the 2 largest cities in this town are on the borders- an hour further you would be in another state.
But, I have also realized that Lincoln is not the worst place to live.
No, certainly not.

Also, I love what my husband does. It let us be outside- it makes us be active- it gives us a lifestyle we want. And I love it.
It causes us to always learn and be aware, and to meet the most interesting people.
And that just makes it all worth it.

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  1. Finally! Some updates! I know I'm the worst at keeping mine updated (but we are so boring), yet I expect everyone to keep theirs updated! ;D

  2. Stinkin' cute swimsuit! Wish they made cuter one pieces for us grown ups. ;) To be honest, I never knew anything about Nebraska until reading your blog. Sounds like a character building experience. ;)
