When your kitchen cabinets are just not high enough.
When your key fob for your car winds up in your daughters hands, and you have to battle with her to get them back to turn off the car alarm. (Actually, she has grown out of that- and now runs and hands them to me).
When you can't decide which to wash first- the whites or the towels??? You really can't take a shower without either one.
When your nail breaks a bit too low for comfort, and you wear a bandaid all week till your nail grows out more.
When you can't decide which kind of potatoes would go best with dinner- so you make both. Oh, the work.
Also oddly, this has been my day.
First world problems
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First world problemsWhen your kitchen cabinets are just not high enough. When your key fob for your car winds up in your daughters hands, and you have to battle with her to get them back to turn off the car alarm. (Actually, she has grown out o… Read More
It took me way too long to figure out the kitchenaid photo. Aw, frustrating!