Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Is it worth it?

Sometimes, you have to ask yourself, "Is it worth it?".

Like, when you have been good about not driving ALL day. And it might actually be the first time since you moved to your new place of origin  (10 1/2 weeks) that you went a day without driving. Then, as you begin to make dinner, your husband sends you a text saying to stop and pick him up. But you know he has something good planned....like the Red Lobster endless shrimp you have been dying for and hinting at for the last month. 
So you ask yourself, "Is it worth it?"
"Yes, self, yes it is worth it."

Or when you get fed up with the blogging world. And all the self-concieted blogs out there. And how they do "reviews" but really are just sucking up, because apparently no one understands the term "CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM" and you can feel their fake-ness oozing off them via computer screen. And as you daily check their blog to get into the blogging world and read through their ooziness, you ask yourself, 
"Is it worth it?"
No. It is not.
And so you move onto better blogs.
That don't compete to see whose husband is the best.

Sometimes, you have to let go. And let your daughter out of the stroller at the dog park and let her walk around. Even though you stand almost on top of her and immediately make her stand up the second she falls. 
Because, after all...it is a dog park.
But still, your daughter loves the freedom. And she loves dogs. Even their wet kisses.
So instead of walking and wearing out your hyper-energy dog, you let your daughter walk and fall.
Then, when she decides crawling is still faster- you put her pack in the stroller, where she screams.
And you ask yourself,
"Is it worth it?"
And you say, "It had better be."

So my friends- ask yourself, "Is it worth it", because really, I am always surprised by the results. 

1 comment:

  1. Red Lobster is indeed, worth it. Garth and I have a goal to go there someday, since neither have been. It looks glorious!

    Ah, yeah, I'm with ya on not letting your child crawl around at the dog park. That's worth not having to scrub stains off of her clothes and not worrying about an overly excited dog mauling her.
