Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A day at the park

Nebraska is unique in a few ways.
1. Kool-aid was invented here. (Side note: I LOVE Kool-aid. There was always a pitcher in the fridge growing up, I remember making an emergency trip to the store when we ran out, and although it calls for a cup of sugar- it really should have probably 1 1/2. =] )
2. Arbor day was created here. (You though Nebraksa was flat? Well yes, it is. But to make up for that, they planted TREES!)
3. Well, I am sure there is more...but I just wanted to highlight on those things.

Also, Kool-aid really has no place in this post other then it is REALLY cool I am in the state where my favorite drink was made. =]

So, Lincoln is also unique in a few ways.
1. One of the mayors/cities goals is to have a park within a mile of every person in the city of Lincoln. That makes for a LOT of parks. I think I remember hearing that there are about 123 parks. Ya. A LOT. I may be off, but honestly- Lincoln has no shortage of parks.
2. Lincoln drains all their water (pools, fountains, etc) when school starts.
3. Lincoln is in a drought.
4. Lincoln decided to have its freeways to surround the city.
5. They have a giant system of walking/bike paths that go throughout the city.

So, I am sort of making it a goal to go to every park before we leave. A challenge I am ready and excited to accept. So far, I have been to...5. (I really don't even feel like I can count it as 5 either. 2 are dog parks. One I just walked through.)

I have made a friend with a lady who is also from Ca, we have a common friend- and her husband is out here getting his PhD, so we have hung out and explored parks together.

Today we went to Trega park, which normally has a 'splash park' but due to reasons listed above, it is only on during the weekend till next weekend! But, it was still a really cool park. Part of the bike/walking paths go through the park, and it is just a long park with some of the coolest play things I have ever seen.
It honestly made me want to be a kid with no worries of falling, because when I did try to climb it- I freaked out.

But, Sariah had fun. =] So it was a win.

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1 comment:

  1. OMG That picture of Sariah sitting next to the frog is HILARIOUS! I love it.
